
Posts Tagged ‘New York City’

BK/NY – Tuesday, November 11th – Letter-writing to 5E3 and Eric King

WHAT: Political Prisoner Letter-Writing Dinner
WHEN: 7pm (sharp), Tuesday, November 11th, 2014
WHERE: The Base1302 Myrtle Avenue Brooklyn, New York 11221 (directions below)
COST: Free
5E3_Eric KingNEWSFLASH: We’re anarchists. That should come as no surprise– it’s right there in our name. We organize as anarchists– collectively, against the state and capital. So for us to move the letter-writing dinners we have consistently hosted for about eight years to one of the few explicitly anarchist public spaces in the five boroughs simply makes sense. And how will we begin this leg of the journey? By writing to imprisoned anarchists!

Carlos López Martin, Fallon Rouiller, and Amélie Trudeau make up the 5E3, who are being charged by the Mexican state for an arson of a Nissan dealership and the neighboring ministry of communication and transportation in January of this year. On October 31, 2014, they were each sentenced by the federal court to seven years and six months imprisonment for the attack on the Secretariat of Communications and Transport. The three still await non-federal sentencing for the attack on a Nissan dealership.

Eric G. King, a 28-year-old vegan anarchist, was arrested and charged with an attempted firebombing of a government official’s office in Kansas City, Missouri. Eric allegedly threw a hammer through a window of the building and then threw two lit bottles inside, though both failed to ignite. NOTE: Eric is pre-trial. DO NOT write about his arrest, his case, or the charges he faces. Too often, letters written to comrades who are pre-trial, and discuss those things, are used as evidence at trial. More information at

While we expect to see you on Tuesday, if you can’t make it, please take the time to write a letter to these comrades:
Carlos López Marín
Reclusorio Preventivo Oriente
Calle Reforma #50, Col. San Lorenzo Tezonco
Delegación Iztapalapa, C.P. 09800, Ciudad de México, D.F.

Fallon Rouiller
Centro Femenil de Reinserción Social Santa Martha Acatitla
Calzada Ermita, Iztapalapa No 4037, Colonia Santa Martha Acatitla
Delegación Iztapalapa, C.P. 09560, Ciudad de México, D.F.

Amélie Trudeau
Centro Femenil de Reinserción Social Santa Martha Acatitla
Calzada Ermita, Iztapalapa No 4037, Colonia Santa Martha Acatitla
Delegación Iztapalapa, C.P. 09560, Ciudad de México, D.F.

Eric King 27090045
CCA Leavenworth
100 Highway Terrace
Leavenworth, Kansas 66048
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NYC – Tuesday, May 13th – Freedom Month Solidarity with Puerto Rican Political Prisoners

WHAT: Political Prisoner Letter-Writing Dinner
WHEN: 7pm sharp, Tuesday, May 13th, 2014
WHERE: CAGE83A Hester Street (UPSTAIRS) New York, New York 10002 (directions below)
COST: Free
oscar_norbertoWith the United States acting as judge, jury, and executioner abroad, we should be amazed that none of our political prisoners are captured and not just assassinated (though plenty have been). This disgusting, sinking ship is determined to take the whole world with it, whether it’s one person, one community, or one nation at a time. And while the United States may be biding its time regarding the conflict in Ukraine, we are no closer to collective, total liberation. Until we are free, we continue to revolt and support those around us who have done the same.

In solidarity with Freedom Month, NYC ABC will be dedicating its May 13th Political Prisoner Letter-Writing Dinner to the Puerto Rican political prisoners. We will have a special guest speaker, Ben Ramos from ProLibertad, so this event is not to be missed.

Historically, the United States government has taken an (ethically and militarily) offensive position in regards to Puerto Rican political prisoners. Within the last couple of years, the FBI arrested Norberto Claudio González on charges dating back to 1983. On the same day as Norberto’s arrest, Oscar López Rivera was denied parole on the 30th anniversary of his arrest. The federal government clearly resents to successes of the movement to free Puerto Rico and is patient enough to wait 28 years to make an arrest. This should serve as a lesson to revolutionaries of all stripes– stay active, stay safe, and know that you must watch your back forever.

As we near the third anniversary of Norberto’s arrest, his mail is being denied. And so, we answer the call to flood the prison with mail to let them know we are watching and won’t stand for this form of mistreatment.

On May 29th, a picket is being organized to protest the 33rd anniversary of Oscar López Rivera’s arrest.

If for some nutty reason you can’t make it out, but still want to support Norberto and Oscar, you can write to them at:
Norberto González Claudio #09864-000

FCI Coleman Low
Post Office Box 1031
Coleman, Florida 33521

Oscar López Rivera #87651-024
FCI Terre Haute
Post Office Box 33
Terre Haute, Indiana 47808

For more information, be sure to visit the ProLibertad and National Boricua Human Rights websites.
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NYC – Friday, January 17th – Solidarity Demonstration at Mexican Consulate

ameli_fallon_carlosWHAT: Demonstration in Solidarity With The 5e3
WHEN: 11:30am (SHARP), Friday, January 17th
WHERE: Mexican Consulate, 27 East 39th Street (between Lexington and Park Avenues)

On January 5th, three anarchist comrades— two from Canada, one from Mexico, were arrested in Mexico City for alleged molotov attacks on a car dealership and a government building. The three (5e3) are now facing a variety of very serious charges, including terrorist charges. In response to the call, included after the jump, for an international day of solidarity with the 5e3, NYC Anarchist Black Cross will hold a demonstration at the Mexican Consulate.


Letter from Fallon:
Letter from Carlos:
Call for financial support:
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NYC – Tuesday, October 15th – Letter-writing to Puerto Rican Political Prisoners

WHAT: Political Prisoner Letter-Writing Dinner
WHEN: 7pm sharp, Tuesday, October 15th, 2013
WHERE: CAGE83A Hester Street (UPSTAIRS) New York, New York 10002 (directions below)
COST: Free

pr-ppsWith the United States acting as judge, jury, and executioner abroad, we should be amazed that any of our political prisoners are captured and not just assassinated (though plenty have been). This disgusting, sinking ship is determined to take the whole world with it, whether it’s one person, one community, or one nation at a time. And while the United States may have stayed its intention to go to war with Syria, we are no closer to collective, total liberation. Until we are free, we continue to revolt and support those around us who have done the same.

In solidarity with our comrades in Pro Libertad, NYC ABC will be dedicating its October 15th Political Prisoner Letter-Writing Dinner to the Puerto Rican political prisoners.

Historically, the United States government has taken an (militarily and ethically) offensive position in regards to Puerto Rican political prisoners. Within the last couple of years, the FBI arrested Norberto Claudio González on charges dating back to 1983. On the same day as Norberto’s arrest, Oscar López Rivera was denied parole on the 30th anniversary of his arrest. The federal government clearly resents to successes of the movement to free Puerto Rico and is patient enough to wait 28 years to make an arrest. This should serve as a lesson to revolutionaries of all stripes– stay active, stay safe, and know that you must watch your back forever.

If for some nutty reason you can’t make it out, but still want to support Norberto and Oscar, you can write to them at:
Norberto González Claudio #09864-000

FCI Coleman Low
Post Office Box 1031
Coleman, Florida 33521

Oscar López Rivera #87651-024
FCI Terre Haute
Post Office Box 33
Terre Haute, Indiana 47808

For more information, be sure to visit the ProLibertad website.
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Jaan Laaman’s Message to Running Down The Walls 2013

Long-term anti-imperialist prisoner Jaan Laaman has always been a great promoter and participant in Running Down the Walls. This year is no different and he’s given us an audio address for the event. Via

Jaan Laaman’s Message to Running Down The Walls 2013

UPDATE: We’ve also received, via Los Angeles ABCF, a report from Jaan on Running Down the Walls that happened in the prison that currently holds him captive:

Hello everybody – hope this has been/is being a good running day for all of you.  About 30 of us in here – young and old, Black, white and Latino, did a real nice RDTW this morning.  We got together before taking off, had some words about the meaning of Running Down the Walls and it’s origin and ongoing reality.  Then we took off and got a real decent 5k – some walked some laps, but most ran all the miles.  Afterwards we all drank a cold soda and talked about people running in other cities and towns, in other kamps too, some at that very moment.  So it was a positive morning and a good run and we hope and expect that all of you and many many others, even in Switzerland! I hope they had a good run today too.  Now let’s hope Obama does NOT launch a new war in the mid-east, in Syria and, of course, I know we will all do what we can — Freedom Is A Constant Struggle !  jaan

Jaan Laaman’s Organizing Announcement for Running Down the Walls 2013

It’s time to lace up those running shoes for Running Down The Walls 2013. Political Prisoner Jaan Laaman explains the history of the event and implores listeners to get organized for 2013’s run. Thanks go out to Prison Radio for recording this.

Jaan Laaman Organizing Announcement

Runners, walkers, Human Rights supporters and people of positive consciousness, it’s time to lace up your running shoes and get ready to participate in the 2013 Running Down The Walls.   Hello, this is Jaan Laaman, your political prisoner voice coming to you from the u.s. prison in Tucson, Arizona.  Let me tell you about this annual 5k run, that takes place in dozens of cities  and  towns, and behind   state and federal prison walls across the usa and in some Canadian cities too.

Running Down The Walls was started 14 years ago in Los Angeles by the ABC Federation, to support and bring attention to the reality of political prisoners in the United States.  More broadly this run helps to publicize the denial of Human Rights and abusive conditions, that so many men, women, and children locked up in american prisons, face daily.

In addition to the runs held in cities around the country, prisoners organize solidarity runs in prison yards, also across the country.  These solidarity runs allow us to join with and show our support for the folks running outside.  Also, this shows unity among ourselves, old, young, Black, white, Latino, Native and all prisoners, running together for a positive goal of justice and freedom.

This year Running Down The Walls will take place on Sunday, September 1st.

If there is no run in your area yet, why not pull one together yourself? Join in, with the thousands of runners — inside and out on September 1st.  We might be separated by miles and bars,  but we are united in our goals of Justice, Human Rights, and Freedom!

Until next time, remember, Freedom Is A Constant Struggle.

BK/NY – Tuesday, October 11th – Commemorate the Legacy of the Black Panthers

What: Political Prisoner Letter-Writing Dinner
When: 7pm (sharp), Tuesday, October 11th, 2011
Where: 885 Park Avenue, Brooklyn, New York (see below for directions)
Cost: Free

It could very well be that folks in the United States are fed up. Fed up with the state and capitalism, fed up with the authorities in their lives that keep pushing and pushing and pushing, fed up with bosses, with landlords, with cops, wardens, and commanding officers. While far from flawless, Occupy Wall Street and its successors have given form to the anger and potential we share. At the same time, over 12,000 prisoners in California continue to protest the inhumane conditions and fucked up policies under which many of them are imprisoned. And their hunger strike is spreading.

In this same month, we must acknowledge a significant anniversary. It was in October, 1966 that the Black Panther Party was founded. Much of the movement we see today, in the streets on in prisons, has a direct lineage to the Panthers. It is with that in mind that we focus our every-other-week political prisoner letter-writing dinner.

This time around, we’ll be focusing on current political prisoners and prisoners of war who were members of the original Black Panther Party. As there are currently twenty Panther political prisoners or prisoners of war, we will be hosting a card-signing, with additional information available for those able to write a separate letter or begin a correspondence.
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BK/NY – Tuesday, September 27th – Come Support A.L.F. Lone Wolf Walter Bond

What: Political Prisoner Letter-Writing Dinner
When: 7pm (sharp), Tuesday, September 27th, 2011
Where: 885 Park Avenue, Brooklyn, New York (see below for directions)
Cost: Free

Support Walter

Here we are, not a full week into Autumn, and the streets are brimming with dissent. The state murdered Troy Davis; prisoners in California, facing severe repression, are planning to resume a hunger strike; and, locally, comrades have been arrested and brutalized by the NYPD.The pendulum is swinging and we in NYC ABC are having another letter-writing dinner to support those who continue to push that motherfucker until the string snaps. This week, we need you to come and write letters to the judge getting ready to sentence a warrior named Walter Bond.

In 1998, Bond was convicted of burning down the home and meth operation of a multi-million dollar drug dealer that was selling poison to his family and friends. In the Summer of 2010, based on information provided to the FBI by his brother, Walter was arrested for the “ALF Lonewolf” arsons of the Sheepskin Factory in Denver, Colorado, the Tandy Leather Factory in Salt Lake City, Utah and the Tiburon Restaurant, which sold Foie Gras in Sandy, Utah. Walter was sentenced to five years in federal prison for the first of these actions and now awaits sentencing for the remaining two.

Walter has written extensively about his history and philosophy and we encourage folks to take the time to read him.

Sentencing is set for Thursday, October 13th, 2011 and we are requesting you write a letter to Judge Ted Stewart, requesting the minimum sentence for Walter. Your letter will help to give a three dimensional and personal perspective on the positive character attributes Walter possesses and how highly he is valued by his friends and associates. The judge who presided over Walter’s case in Denver made a point to say that she read over 50 letters sent from people like you before handing down the minimum penalty.

If you are unable to join us, please write a letter to the judge and mail it to:

Nathan Crane, Esq.
Stirba & Associates
215 South State Street, Suite 750
Salt Lake City, Utah 84111


Address a formal business letter to:
The Honorable Judge Ted Stewart
United States District Court
District Of Utah
Chamber #148
350 South Main Street
Salt Lake City, Utah 84101

Include your address and the date. The salutation is, “Dear Judge Stewart:” and the reference is “United States of America v. Walter Bond.” Tell Judge Stewart why you think Walter Bond deserves his leniency. By doing this, you will actually increase Walter’s chances of a receiving the minimum.

Keep Walter informed by sending him a copy of your letter. Walter’s mailing address is:

Walter Bond #2011-03339
Davis County Jail
Post Office Box 130
Farmington, Utah 84025-0130

The deal, as always, is that you come bringing only yourself (and your friendsand comrades), and we provide you with a delicious vegan meal, information aboutthe prisoners as well as all of the letter-writing materials and prisoner-letter-writing info you could ever want to use in one evening. In return, you write a thoughtful letter to a political prisoner or prisoner of war of your choosing or, better yet, keep up a long-term correspondence. We’ll also provide some brief updates and pass around birthday cards for the PP/POWs whose birthdays fall in the next two weeks thanks to the Anarchist Birthday Brigade.

Getting to 885 Park Avenue is simple:
From the J/M/Z:
Flushing Stop: Walk southeast on Broadway (toward Sumner Place, away from Thornton Street) and make a right on Park Avenue. We’re halfway down the block, on your right.
Myrtle Stop: Walk northwest on Broadway (toward Melrose Street, away from Troutman Street) and make a left on Park Avenue. We’re halfway down the block on the right.

From the G Train:
Flushing Avenue Stop: Walk south on Marcy Avenue (toward Hopkins Street, away from Wallabout Street) and turn left on Park Avenue. We’re three and a half blocks down on the left.
Myrtle-Willoughby Avenues Stop: Walk north on Marcy Avenue (toward Stockton Street, away from Vernon Avenue) and turn right on Park Avenue. We’re three and a half blocks down on your left.

If you have any questions, feel free to get in touch. Otherwise, we’ll see you at supper.

This event is brought to you by your friendly neighborhood Anarchist Black Cross.–

Post Office Box 110034
Brooklyn, New York 11211


Free all Political Prisoners and Prisoners of War!
For the Abolition of State Repression and Domination!

BK/NY – Tuesday, September 13th – Come Support the Cuban Five!

What: Political Prisoner Letter-Writing Dinner
When: 7pm (sharp), Tuesday, September 13th, 2011
Where: 885 Park Avenue, Brooklyn, New York (see below for directions)
Cost: Free

If you pay attention to the corporate media, it’s hard not to think the sky is falling. And yet to talk with neighbors and co-workers, it’s clear that we’re living the same lives we’ve been dealing with for a long time– bosses find excuses for not paying us anywhere near what we’re worth (as if they ever could), and the state keeps trying to scare us into accepting whatever bullshit they send down the pike. None of this is news to you, but that’s where we are.

Never ones to be brought down by the hyperbolic rhetoric of the state and its corporate media mouthpiece, NYC ABC again brings you great food and camaraderie with our every-other-week  political prisoner letter-writing dinner. This Tuesday will mark the second day of Freedom Month for the Cuban 5 and in solidarity, we will be focusing our letter-writing on them.

The Cuban Five are five Cuban men who are in U.S. prison, serving four life sentences and 75 years collectively, after being wrongly convicted in U.S. federal court in Miami, on June 8, 2001.

The Five were falsely accused by the U.S. government of committing espionage conspiracy against the United States, and other related charges.

But the Five pointed out vigorously in their defense that they were involved in monitoring the actions of Miami-based terrorist groups, in order to prevent terrorist attacks on their country of Cuba.

The Five’s actions were never directed at the U.S. government. They never harmed anyone nor ever possessed nor used any weapons while in the United States.

While we expect to see you on Tuesday, if you can’t make it, please take the time to write a letter to the Five:
Fernando Gonzalez #58733-004
FCI Terre Haute
Post Office Box 33
Terre Haute, Indiana 47808
Address envelope to Ruben Campa and letter to Fernando

Antonio Guerrero #58741-004
FCI Florence
Post Office Box 6000
Florence, Colorado 81226

René González #58738-004
FCI Marianna
Post Office Box 7007
Marianna, Florida 32447-7007

Gerardo Hernandez #58739-004
USP Victorville
Post Office Box 5500
Adelanto, California 92301

Ramón Labañino Salazar #58734-004
FCI Jesup
2680 301 South
Jesup, Georgia 31599
Address envelope to
Luís Medina III and letter to Ramón

The deal, as always, is that you come bringing only yourself (and your friends and comrades), and we provide you with a delicious vegan meal, information about the prisoners as well as all of the letter-writing materials and prisoner-letter-writing info you could ever want to use in one evening. In return, you write a thoughtful letter to a political prisoner or prisoner of war of your choosing or, better yet, keep up a long-term correspondence. We’ll also provide some brief updates and pass around birthday cards for the PP/POWs whose birthdays fall in the next two weeks thanks to the Anarchist Birthday Brigade.

Getting to 885 Park Avenue is simple:
From the J/M/Z:
Flushing Stop: Walk southeast on Broadway (toward Sumner Place, away from Thornton Street) and make a right on Park Avenue. We’re halfway down the block, on your right.
Myrtle Stop: Walk northwest on Broadway (toward Melrose Street, away from Troutman Street) and make a left on Park Avenue. We’re halfway down the block on the right.

From the G Train:
Flushing Avenue Stop: Walk south on Marcy Avenue (toward Hopkins Street, away from Wallabout Street) and turn left on Park Avenue. We’re three and a half blocks down on the left.
Myrtle-Willoughby Avenues Stop: Walk north on Marcy Avenue (toward Stockton Street, away from Vernon Avenue) and turn right on Park Avenue. We’re three and a half blocks down on your left.

If you have any questions, feel free to get in touch. Otherwise, we’ll see you at supper.

This event is brought to you by your friendly neighborhood Anarchist Black Cross.–

Post Office Box 110034
Brooklyn, New York 11211


Free all Political Prisoners and Prisoners of War!
For the Abolition of State Repression and Domination!

BK/NY – Tuesday, August 30th – Come Support Black August Prisoner Cinque Magee

What: Political Prisoner Letter-Writing Dinner
When: 7pm (sharp), Tuesday, August 30th, 2011
Where: 885 Park Avenue, Brooklyn, New York (see below for directions)
Cost: Free

So everyone survived the hurricane of the century rain storm that hit over the weekend? Good. If nothing else, the impending disaster confirmed a couple of things: the rich and their government do not give a fuck about the rest of us, especially those of us in prison; and folks on the ground are better able to take care of one another than some bullshit NGO.

NYC ABC dealt with the inconvenience of water falling from the sky by preparing for another every-other-week Political Prisoner Letter-Writing Dinner. As we near the end of Black August, it’s only fitting that we focus on and honor Ruchell “Cinque” Magee.

On August 7th, 1970, Jonathan Jackson was gunned down outside the Marin County California courthouse as he attempted to liberate three imprisoned Black liberation fighters: James McClain, William Christmas and Cinque. Cinque is the sole survivor of that armed rebellion, the former co-defendant of Angela Davis, and has been imprisoned for over 40 years, most of it in solitary confinement.

While we expect to see you on Tuesday, if you can’t make it, please take the time to write a letter to Cinque at:

Ruchell Magee #A92051
CSP Corcoran 3A-02-131L
Box 3461
Corcoran, California 93212

The deal, as always, is that you come bringing only yourself (and your friends and comrades), and we provide you with a delicious vegan meal, information about the prisoners as well as all of the letter-writing materials and prisoner-letter-writing info you could ever want to use in one evening. In return, you write a thoughtful letter to a political prisoner or prisoner of war of your choosing or, better yet, keep up a long-term correspondence. We’ll also provide some brief updates and pass around birthday cards for the PP/POWs whose birthdays fall in the next two weeks thanks to the Anarchist Birthday Brigade.

Getting to 885 Park Avenue is simple:
From the J/M/Z:
Flushing Stop: Walk southeast on Broadway (toward Sumner Place, away from Thornton Street) and make a right on Park Avenue. We’re halfway down the block, on your right.
Myrtle Stop: Walk northwest on Broadway (toward Melrose Street, away from Troutman Street) and make a left on Park Avenue. We’re halfway down the block on the right.

From the G Train:
Flushing Avenue Stop: Walk south on Marcy Avenue (toward Hopkins Street, away from Wallabout Street) and turn left on Park Avenue. We’re three and a half blocks down on the left.
Myrtle-Willoughby Avenues Stop: Walk north on Marcy Avenue (toward Stockton Street, away from Vernon Avenue) and turn right on Park Avenue. We’re three and a half blocks down on your left.

If you have any questions, feel free to get in touch. Otherwise, we’ll see you at supper.

This event is brought to you by your friendly neighborhood Anarchist Black Cross.–

Post Office Box 110034
Brooklyn, New York 11211


Free all Political Prisoners and Prisoners of War!
For the Abolition of State Repression and Domination!