Home > What We Do > BK/NY – Tuesday, January 31st – Letter-Writing Dinner for Nicole Kissane

BK/NY – Tuesday, January 31st – Letter-Writing Dinner for Nicole Kissane

WHAT: Political Prisoner Letter-Writing Dinner
WHEN: 7pm sharp, Tuesday, January 31st, 2017
WHERE: The Base1302 Myrtle Avenue Brooklyn, New York 11221 (directions below)

NOTE: The Base is on the ground floor, is wheelchair accessible, and has a gender neutral toilet.
COST: Free
The beginning of 2017 has been certainly and nicole-kissaneunquestionably dark. However, it hasn’t all been awful. In addition to the inspiring work that is coming from our comrades across the country in preparation of the days to come, we have also been given moments of joyous relief. 2017 saw the retiring of the “dumpster fire” meme and has raised it to the way better limo fire; white supremacist Richard Spencer’s face met a fist to your favorite tunes; and you get to continue joining NYC ABC for dinner as we support political prisoners. This week we are writing to the newly imprisoned Nicole Kissane.

In July, 2015, Nicole was indicted under the federal Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act (AETA). The indictment cites specific vandalism of fur stores and the liberation of thousands of mink and other fur-bearing animals, claiming that Nicole, along with her co-defendant Joseph Buddenberg, released mink and vandalized businesses that used animal products throughout the summer and fall of 2013; drove over 40,000 miles to free almost 7,000 mink from farms in Iowa, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Minnesota; and did more than $400,000 worth of damage. In early 2016, both signed non-cooperating plea agreements and pleaded guilty to conspiracy to violate the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act. Just recently, Nicole was sentenced to 21 months in federal prison.

While all people in prison need as much love from the outside as you can give them, we acknowledge that folks who are newly incarcerated can particularly use as much mail as possible to help them make the transition to being in prison. With that in mind, if you can’t join us this Tuesday, please write to Nicole from wherever you are that doesn’t include us and our delicious vegan food:
Nicole Kissane #20651-111
MCC San Diego
808 Union Street
San Diego, California

The deal, as always, is that you come bringing only yourself (and your friends and comrades), and we provide you with a delicious vegan meal, information about the prisoners as well as all of the letter-writing materials and prisoner-letter-writing info you could ever want to use in one evening. In return, you write a thoughtful letter to a political prisoner or prisoner of war of your choosing or, better yet, keep up a long-term correspondence. We’ll also provide some brief updates and pass around birthday cards for the PP/POWs whose birthdays fall in the next two weeks thanks to the PP/POW Birthday Calendar.

Getting to The Base is simple:
From the M Train:
Central Avenue Stop: Walk east on Myrtle Avenue (away from Hart Street, toward Cedar Street). We’re about two blocks down on the south side of the street.

Knickerbocker Avenue Stop: Walk west on Myrtle Avenue (away from Harman Street, toward Himrod Street). We’re about three blocks down on the south side of the street.

From the L Train:
DeKalb Avenue Stop: Walk south on Stockholm Street (away from Wyckoff Avenue, toward Irving Avenue). We’re about four blocks down, at the intersection of Stockholm Street and Myrtle Avenue.

From the J Train:
Myrtle Avenue Stop: Transfer to the M train and follow the above directions

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