Home > Events > BK/NY – Sunday, December 11th – Send Love Through the Walls 2022

BK/NY – Sunday, December 11th – Send Love Through the Walls 2022

22 November 2022

WHAT: Send Love Through The Walls: Holiday Card-Writing For Political Prisoners
WHEN: Sunday, December 11th, 2022 1:00-4:00pm
WHERE: Woodbine (585 Woodward Avenue, Queens)
COST: FREE (Donations to cover the cost of stamps greatly appreciated)

In what many prisoners have told us is their favorite event of the year, Resistance in Brooklyn and NYC Anarchist Black Cross again join forces to bring you the annual holiday card-writing party for U.S. held political prisoners, prisoners of war, and prisoners of conscience. This event is always a lot of fun, the food outstanding, the camaraderie lively, and the handmade cards flat out amazing. This year will be no different, and will be organized both in person and virtually. So plan to tell your friends and bring your creativity. We’ll have updates on the pp/pow campaigns as well as crayons, colored pencils, paper and envelopes.

We do ask that folks be vaccinated and will be using the honor system.

This is a hybrid event and will have a zoom component for folks unable to make it in person. For the Zoom meeting information, contact Resistance in Brooklyn: resistanceinbrooklyn.ows at gmail dot com

For folks writing at home, here are some guidelines to follow to ensure your holiday card gets to the person you are writing:


We recommend using the following guidelines to ensure your holiday card will get through the walls. The best bet for getting a handmade card through the walls is to either: print a design on plain computer paper or create a design on plain computer paper using blue or black pen only. Things have gotten very draconian and many facilities won’t even allow crayon or colored pencil anymore. Card stock or greeting cards are not allowed in most facilities. You cannot use paint of any kind. You cannot enclose glitter or write with glittery gel pens or puff paint pens or stickers.

If you DO use some colorful artsy craftsy things to make a card on cardstock, simply photocopy it onto computer paper and send in the copy only.

You cannot include articles or anything else torn out of a newspaper or magazine. However, you can print that same article from the internet or photocopy it.

Return address labels are no longer permitted in most facilities, nor stickers of any kind (aside from stamps). Write your ‘to’ and ‘from’ address neatly in blue or black pen.

For more information, contact:
Resistance in Brooklyn– resistanceinbrooklyn.ows at gmail dot com
NYC Anarchist Black Cross– nycabc at riseup dot net